The Complete Guide to Web3 Social
This guide outlines how web3 social builders can create a web3-native communication strategy aligned to their social principles and communities.

Web3 is built on curiosity and community. People want to connect with other people online, and they want to do it with a digital identity, social graph and content they own. Web3 decentralized social graph protocols like Farcaster and Lens and Ethereum Follow Protocol are creating a new type of social network, with these principles in mind.

The Problem Web3 Social Solves

Web3 social graphs seek to solve major issues in existing social media networks. Namely, Web2 networks all read from their unique, centralized database. There is no portability. Your profile, friends, and content are locked to a specific network and owned by the network operator.  

Web social protocols like Farcaster and Lens correct this by being a user-owned, open social graph that any application can plug into. Since users own their data, they can bring it to any application built on top of the protocol. As the true owners of their content, creators no longer need to worry about losing their audience and livelihood based on the whims of an individual platform's algorithms and policies.  

Additionally, each application using the web3 social protocol benefits the whole ecosystem. Developers can design meaningful social experiences with self-sovereignty in mind.

How to Create a Web3 Social Communication Strategy

To create a web3 social communication strategy, protocols need web3-native communication. Mailchain is the communication layer for web3. It encrypts messages for 1:1 and group chats between web3 users, using their web3 identities and wallet addresses. Mailchain is open source, working with all blockchain protocols: It's multichain and supports all EVMs and major chains. It includes an SDK for developers and a private web3 inbox for users.

Mailchain is an ideal communication protocol to compliment social graph networks because it's multichain, which means Mailchain opens up the possibility for users to communicate with the widest web3 community possible.  

Web3 social builder and users build their network to grow it. Using Mailchain, protocols and projects can expand web3 communication to all EVMs and major chains, including Tezos, NEAR and Solana.  

Mailchain supports followers as groups

In these web3 social protocols, a profile has followers. With Mailchain, social networks can enable the sending and receiving to followers with their preferred web3 identities, .e.g., their .lens or .eth names.

Web3 Social Mailto Profile Contact Information

Mailchain can be integrated into social platforms by simply including a "mailto" link in user profiles. This simple profile addition enables users to view a colleague or friend's page, locate the "mail" icon, and compose a message to that person’s verified web3 identity with one click. This is particularly beneficial for web3 professionals who want to network and collaborate.

Simplified Content Sharing

Sharing content through email becomes easier with the integration of a "mailto" link. Users can share posts, articles, or other content with their contacts seamlessly, thereby increasing the reach and impact of their content.

Mailchain supports web3 social profiles

Every web3 social profile has an owner. With that, users building up an onchain identity for these profiles. This allows you to do powerful things like knowing if that profile has a human behind it, showing the web3 identity name, such as .eth, .tez., .lens, .sol, etc. The Mailchain protocol can also handle the personalization of each social profile, including the title and avatar, which are all publicly available for queries.

Mailchain supports async communication

On a synchronous channel, people are always looking for meaningful ways to interact and connect with one another. The default async communication channel of Mailchain (with its web3 inbox) is the ideal place for people to send and receive more direct, meaningful longform content, such as newsletters or personal direct messages, web3 emails you want to archive and save.

Mailchain supports Web3 Direct Messaging

People in web3 love to chit chat, to talk synchronously, get to know each other, whether it’s in Discord or Telegram. But just think how much they would love to talk even more, if they can use their verified web3 identity to do it!

Mailchain’s protocol enables developers to build their own chat application privately (fully end-to-end encrypted communication) and has already integrated web3 identities. That means people can verify they are talking to the right wallet address/ person, reducing risk of impersonation and spam.  

Web3 Feedback and Support Channels

Incorporating a "mailto" link for a verified support web3-native account identity to gather feedback or intake support queries into a social app makes user interaction with the support team straightforward and safe. Users can send a direct web3 email of their concerns or feedback to the team, and because Mailchain does the verifying beforehand of wallet addresses, when people register their account, support contacts can be sure they’re talking to the real person with the real wallet address.

Web3 Social Invites to Increase Quality Daily Active Users

Users can invite people to the social platform/ protocol using their wallet address with Mailchain! To gain more daily active users, have people with their social account invite their friends via Mailchain, knowing that the wallet address they're inviting is the correct one.

Web3 IRL Event Invitations

Social networks love to meetup in real life. How do you make sure you invite everyone on your web3 social graph to the event? Do you have to DM one by one? Do you have to collect traditional emails and send out a blast? No, with Mailchain you send event information and invitations via the web3 inbox to wallet addresses, at scale.

Web3 Social Verification and Authentication

Using Mailchain for sending verification emails offers a secure and reliable communication channel, which helps to protect users from phishing and impersonation. Web3 social protocols can utilize Mailchain to send verification emails and notifications to their users, with just wallet addresses, no web2 workaround required. Whether it's confirming account registration, password resets, or other account-related activities, Mailchain can provide a secure and reliable channel for delivering these messages directly to wallet addresses.

Web3 Social Address Books

Mailchain enables users to use their web3 social platform’s “address book” (social graph) to send web3 emails to followers or other users, expanding the scope of their network within the ecosystem.

Web3 Social Integrations: Mailchain and Lens

The Lens Protocol is a Web3 social graph on the Polygon Proof-of-Stake blockchain. It is designed to empower creators to own the links between themselves and their community, forming a fully composable, user-owned social graph. The protocol is built from the ground up with modularity in mind, allowing new features and fixes to be added while ensuring immutable user-owned content and social relationships.

Mailchain's integration with Lens, showcases the the ability for users to leverage their Lens identity in Mailchain. This allows users to display their Lens handle as their name when they register their wallet on Mailchain, seamlessly merging their identity on the decentralized social graph with their web3 email communication.


In the end, we use social platforms to make real connections with real people. The blockchain may look like an endless series of numbers, but it's not. It's made up of human experience. With Mailchain, web3 social protocols and application can bring people together, with just their wallets, using a web3-native communication protocol built with their privacy, sovereignty and experience in mind.

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